CoreTalk™ Professional Certification

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IMAGE | CoreTalk™ Certification Program Card

CoreTalk™ Professional Certification

The CoreTalk™ Professional Certification gives you everything you need to heal yourself, your clients, your family, and your friends (animals too!!!).

You can use it to get exactly what you want in life, business, relationships, and health. This is the "Get Full Of Yourself" personal and professional transformation package.

The Professional CoreTalk™ Certification is transformation on steroids!

3 courses (Ultimate Self-Healing System, Success Accelerator Code, and Energy Accelerator Code)
2 Live events (Unleash Your Inner Healer and Activate Your Success)
2 private 30-minute healing sessions with the two of us
Lifetime access - forever access to the course content and live course offerings
6 Monthly Fast Track Transformation Calls
Private Facebook Groups with personal interaction
2-hour Introductory Certification Workshop
Certificate of Completion available after meeting the requirements

Total due $2,997

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